Zack and the Beanstalk

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Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack. He lived with his mother in a little cottage at the edge of the village. Jack was kind-hearted, but life wasn’t easy for them. They barely had enough to eat, and Jack’s mother worried about their future.

One day, while Jack was wandering through the village, he met an old man with a twinkle in his eye. The old man gave Jack five magical beans and told him, “Plant these beans, and you will have riches untold. But beware that your heart does not grow cold.”

Excited by the old man’s words, Jack rushed home and planted the beans in their small garden. That night, something amazing occurred. A gigantic beanstalk grew from the ground, stretching high into the sky. Jack couldn’t believe his eyes!

Without hesitation, Jack began to climb the beanstalk, higher and higher, until he reached the clouds. There, he found a magnificent castle, home to a fearsome ogre.

Being brave and daring, Jack sneaked into the castle and discovered a hen that laid golden eggs. The ogre was fast asleep, snoring loudly. Jack knew he had to act quickly. He grabbed the hen and dashed out of the castle, racing down the beanstalk as fast as he could.

Back on the ground, Jack showed the magical hen to his mother. From that day on, their lives changed forever. Each morning, the hen would lay a golden egg, bringing them wealth beyond their wildest dreams.

At first, Jack and his mother were overjoyed. They could buy anything they wanted and live in luxury. But as time passed, something changed. They became greedy and selfish, forgetting about those who were less fortunate than themselves.

Instead of sharing their wealth with others, Jack and his mother kept it all for themselves. They turned their backs on the needy, looking down on them from their lofty perch of wealth.

Little did they know, their actions had consequences. The old man, who was actually a sorcerer in disguise, saw how they had let their newfound wealth change them. Disappointed, he decided to teach them a lesson.

One night, while Jack and his mother slept soundly in their beds, the sorcerer returned. With a wave of his hand, he made their riches disappear into thin air. And as quickly as it had appeared, the magical hen vanished, never to be seen again.

When Jack and his mother woke up the next morning, they were shocked to find their wealth gone. They searched high and low for the magical hen, but it was nowhere to be found.

It was then that the old man’s words came back to Jack. “Plant these beans, and you will have riches untold. But beware that your heart does not grow cold.” He realized that greed and selfishness had turned their hearts cold and made them lose everything!

What a sad end for Jack and his mother who lived the rest of their lives in misery, pondering the riches they had lost out of greed. And as for the magical hen, it remained hidden, waiting for a worthy descendant of Jack to come along. Someone who would use its golden eggs not for selfishness, but to help those in need.


Many centuries have passed since the days of Jack and the Beanstalk. The tale had faded into distant memory, lost in the passage of time. Jack’s descendants found themselves in poverty, unaware of the riches their ancestor once possessed. They believed Jack’s wealth was merely a story, a myth that had been whispered through generations until it faded into oblivion.

In the present day, Zack, a descendant of Jack many times over, lived in a small apartment nestled within an old building in a struggling community in New York. Life wasn’t easy for Zack and his mother. They had been living in the same apartment for as long as they could remember. Zack’s father had passed away, leaving his mother to work tirelessly to support the family. Despite their financial struggles, Zack and his mother found happiness in their love for each other.

Zack, a bright-eyed boy of twelve, did his best to ease the burden on his mother’s shoulders. He helped with chores around the apartment and sought out ways to contribute to their meager income. One skill he had learned from his father was the art of shoe polishing. With dedication and care, Zack polished leather shoes to perfection, a talent that earned him a dollar for every pair he worked on.

“Mom, I’m going out to polish some shoes,” Zack announced, grabbing his polishing kit.

His mother smiled warmly. “Take care out there, Zack. And don’t forget to eat something,” she reminded him, concern etched in her voice.

“I will, Mom. See you later!” Zack replied cheerfully, heading out the door.

As Zack made his way through the bustling streets of New York City, he kept an eye out for potential customers. Spotting a group of office workers bustling by, he approached them with a friendly grin.

“Excuse me, would anyone like their shoes polished?” Zack asked, holding up his polishing kit.

One of the office workers, a kind-looking man with worn-out shoes, nodded with a grateful smile. “Sure, kid. How much do you charge?”

“Just a dollar per pair, sir,” Zack replied, getting to work on the man’s shoes with practiced hands.

As Zack worked, he struck up a conversation with the office worker, learning about his job and sharing stories of his own. Before long, the shoes were gleaming, and the man handed Zack a dollar with a generous tip.

“Thank you, young man. You did a fantastic job,” the man said, impressed by Zack’s skill.

Zack beamed with pride, pocketing the money before bidding the man farewell. He continued down the street, eager to find more customers and earn a few more dollars to help his family.

With each pair of shoes he polished, Zack felt a sense of purpose and pride. He may not have known about his ancestor’s legendary wealth, but he knew that through hard work and determination, he could make a difference in his own small way. And as he polished away, Zack couldn’t help but feel that maybe, just maybe, there was something magical waiting for him at the end of his journey.


Zack and his mother were known in their community for their kindness. Despite their own struggles, they always shared what little they had with those in need. Their generosity didn’t go unnoticed, especially by the sorcerer who watched over them.

One day, a mysterious parcel arrived at their doorstep addressed to Mr. Zack Bean. With trembling hands, Zack tore open the package, revealing a small chest nestled inside. Inside the chest lay five ordinary-looking beans and an old note written on heavy vellum paper, adorned with cryptic symbols.

“What could this be, Mom?” Zack wondered aloud, his eyes wide with excitement.

His mother peered over his shoulder, reading the rhyming message inscribed on the note. “It says, ‘If your heart is true and good, you will find endless treasure if you plant these beans,'” she translated, her voice filled with curiosity.

With a shrug and a smile, Zack decided to take a chance. “Well, we don’t have much to lose. Let’s give it a try!” he exclaimed, grabbing the beans and rushing outside.

Together, Zack and his mother made their way to the empty grassy lot beside their building. With great anticipation, Zack dug a small hole in the ground and carefully planted the beans, watering them with hope and wonder.

As they returned home, they couldn’t shake the feeling of excitement buzzing in the air. Little did they know, their lives were about to change in ways they never imagined.

The next morning, Zack awoke to a sight beyond belief. A towering beanstalk, thick as a tree trunk, had sprung up overnight, reaching high into the sky. But to Zack’s bewilderment, no one else seemed to notice the magnificent plant.

“Mom, come quick! You won’t believe it!” Zack called, his voice tinged with awe.

His mother rushed to his side, her eyes widening in astonishment at the sight before them. “How is this possible?” she whispered, unable to tear her gaze away from the towering beanstalk.

Excitedly, Zack shared the news with his friends and neighbors, but to his dismay, no one else could see the beanstalk. Instead of marveling at the wonder before them, people began to laugh and whisper behind Zack’s back, thinking he had lost his mind.

Undeterred by the skepticism of others, Zack knew deep down that the beanstalk held secrets waiting to be discovered. With determination burning in his heart, Zack vowed to uncover the truth behind the mysterious plant, no matter what challenges lay ahead. And little did he know, this was just the beginning of an extraordinary adventure that would lead him to realms beyond his wildest dreams.


One day, Zack’s curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to climb to the top of the beanstalk. It was a long, tiring journey, with each step taking him higher and higher into the sky. Finally, after what felt like forever, Zack emerged above the clouds, greeted by a breathtaking sight.

“There’s a path leading to that castle! I wonder what’s up there,” Zack mused to himself, his stomach grumbling loudly.

Feeling hungry and thirsty from his journey, Zack approached the imposing castle and knocked on the door. To his surprise, a ten-foot-tall old woman answered, her face stern and unwelcoming.

“Go away, boy! We don’t want any visitors here,” the old woman snapped, about to shut the door in Zack’s face.

But Zack’s pleading eyes and rumbling stomach melted her heart. “Please, ma’am. I’ve been climbing all day, and I’m so hungry. Could you spare some food?” he asked, his voice filled with desperation.

The old woman hesitated for a moment before sighing in resignation. “Very well, come inside. But be quick about it,” she grumbled, stepping aside to let Zack enter.

Inside the castle, Zack met the old woman’s son, a towering ogre with a menacing scowl. Zack couldn’t help but notice the sadness lurking in the ogre’s eyes, hidden behind his intimidating facade.

“Hello, sir. My name’s Zack. I’m sorry for intruding, but I was hoping for something to eat,” Zack greeted the ogre, offering a hesitant smile.

The ogre’s expression softened slightly, but suspicion lingered in his eyes. “I don’t trust humans. They’ve caused me nothing but trouble,” he grumbled, crossing his massive arms over his chest.

Zack could see the pain in the ogre’s eyes, the hurt buried beneath layers of anger and resentment. “I’m sorry to hear that. People can be cruel sometimes,” Zack said softly, his heart going out to the lonely creature before him.

The ogre’s facade cracked, and he let out a deep sigh. “I’m Ogre Junior. They call me names like ‘ugly’, ‘horrible’, and ‘disgusting’. They’ve hurt me more times than I care to count,” he admitted, his voice tinged with sadness.

Zack’s heart sank at the ogre’s confession. “I’m sorry you’ve had to endure such cruelty. No one deserves to be treated that way,” he said sincerely, reaching out a hand in friendship.

For the first time in centuries, the ogre felt a glimmer of hope stirring within him. Perhaps, with Zack by his side, he wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. And as they sat together in the castle, sharing stories and laughter, Zack knew that true friendship knew no bounds, not even those of magic and myth.


Because of Zack’s incredible talent for shining shoes, he quickly became known throughout the Sky Realm as the go-to person for polishing the finest pairs. Every shoe Zack touched gleamed like stars in the night sky. His reputation spread far and wide, and soon, he found himself welcomed into the grand castles of kings and queens, princes and princesses, fairies and dwarfs, and all the magical creatures of the realm.

“Zack, my boy! We’ve been waiting for you,” exclaimed King Orion, his crown twinkling with jewels as he greeted Zack warmly.

Zack grinned, bowing respectfully before the royal family. “Thank you, Your Majesty. It’s an honor to be here,” he replied, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

As Zack went about his work, shining shoes with meticulous care, he couldn’t help but share a joke or a laugh with those around him. His easygoing nature and genuine kindness endeared him to all who met him.

“How much do you charge for your services, young man?” inquired Queen Celestia, her voice as gentle as a summer breeze.

Zack’s reply was always the same. “Just a dollar a pair, Your Highness,” he would say, a reminder of his father’s humble pricing when he was alive.

But as the kings and queens showered Zack with gifts and rewards for his exceptional work, Zack saw an opportunity to extend his kindness further. “Your Majesty, I would be honored if my friend, Ogre Junior, could join us for our gatherings,” Zack proposed, his gaze earnest.

The royal highnesses exchanged surprised glances, unsure of what to make of Zack’s request. “An ogre, you say? Are you sure about this, Zack?” King Orion asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Zack nodded confidently. “I believe everyone deserves a chance to show their true selves. And I know Ogre Junior has a good heart,” he replied, his conviction unwavering.

With Zack’s gentle guidance, the Ogre Junior learned the value of kindness and respect. Zack taught him how to say “please” and “thank you,” how to see the good in others, and how to express appreciation for their qualities.

Slowly but surely, Ogre Junior began to change, his once rude and standoffish demeanor melting away to reveal a kind and caring soul. The magical kingdom watched in amazement as the ogre earned their trust and acceptance.

In gratitude for Zack’s friendship and guidance, Ogre Junior revealed a secret treasure he had been keeping—a hen that laid golden eggs. “Zack, my friend, this treasure is yours. Use it to make your dreams come true,” the ogre insisted, his voice filled with sincerity.

Tears of gratitude welled up in Zack’s eyes as he embraced his friend tightly. “Thank you, my friend. With this gift, I can finally make my mother’s and my dreams a reality,” Zack whispered, his heart overflowing with joy.

And as Zack held the precious hen in his hands, he knew that true friendship was the greatest treasure of all. With his friend, Ogre Junior, by his side and the golden eggs as their blessing, Zack and his mother would be able to embark on a new journey filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities.


Zack knew he couldn’t stay in the Sky Realm forever. As much as he cherished his time with his newfound friends, especially his dear ogre companion, he had to return home. With a heavy heart, he bid farewell to Mrs. Ogre, thanking her for her kindness and hospitality.

“Thank you for everything, Mrs. Ogre. I’ll never forget the wonderful memories we’ve shared,” Zack said, his voice filled with emotion.

Mrs. Ogre gave Zack a warm hug, tears glistening in her eyes. “You’ll always have a place in our hearts, Zack. Take care of yourself,” she said softly, her voice choked with emotion.

With the hen that laid golden eggs tucked safely under his arm, Zack began his descent down the beanstalk. Each step felt like leaving a piece of his heart behind, but he knew he had to return to his own world.

When Zack finally reached the ground, he was greeted by the familiar sight of his home. Rushing to embrace his mother, tears of joy streamed down his cheeks.

“I’m back, Mom! I’m sorry I was gone too long! And look what I’ve brought!” Zack exclaimed, revealing the hen that laid golden eggs. Excitedly, Zack recounted his adventures in the Sky Realm, sharing stories of his magical journey and the friends he had made along the way. He told his mother of their newfound wealth and his dream of going to college.

His mother’s eyes widened in astonishment. “But Zack, you were only gone for one night! How is this possible?” she asked, bewildered by her son’s incredible tale.

Overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, Zack and his mother rejoiced at the prospect of a brighter future. But what truly filled their hearts with happiness was the thought of helping others with their newfound wealth.

“We’ll share our blessings with those in need, Mom. We’ll make a difference in the world,” Zack vowed, determination shining in his eyes.

And true to their word, Zack and his mother used the golden eggs to bring hope and happiness to those less fortunate. They kept only what they needed for a comfortable life and saved money for Zack’s college education.

Eventually, Zack and his mother decided to take the magical hen to Africa, where they donated it to social workers dedicated to helping the poorest of the poor.

As Zack looked back on his incredible journey, he realized that the true treasure he had received was the joy of helping others and making a positive impact on the world. And though he returned to his ordinary life, Zack never forgot the friends he made in the Sky Realm, often visiting them in his dreams and through the invisible beanstalk that connected their worlds.


  1. How did Zack’s kindness and willingness to befriend the ogre impact the ogre’s behavior and their friendship?
  2. What challenges did Zack face when he returned home with the magical hen, and how did he and his mother decide to use their newfound wealth?
  3. Why do you think Zack and his mother chose to donate the magical hen to social workers in Africa, rather than keeping it for themselves? What does this teach us about the importance of helping others in need?

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