The Frog Prince

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Once upon a time, in the lush gardens of Everglen Castle, Princess Alva danced among the flowers, her laughter ringing through the air as she played with her beloved golden ball. The sun cast a warm glow over the scene, illuminating the joy in her heart. But her mirth soon turned to dismay as her playful toss sent the ball careening toward the edge of an enchanted pond.

“No, my precious ball!” Alva cried out as it bounced and rolled, finally coming to rest at the water’s edge.

Desperate to retrieve her cherished possession, she approached the murky depths of the pond, hesitating as she peered into its mysterious waters. Suddenly, a croaking voice interrupted her thoughts.

“Princess, fear not! I can retrieve your ball from the depths below,” the voice said.

Princess Alva turned to see a frog emerge from the pond, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. She wrinkled her nose in distaste at the creature’s appearance.

“You can?” she asked skeptically, eyeing the frog warily.

The frog nodded solemnly. “Indeed, but my dear princess, I require a promise from you in return.”

Princess Alva frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. “And what promise would that be?”

The frog’s lips curved into a mischievous smile. “You must allow me to stay with you in the castle, dine from your golden plate, sleep in your chamber, and be your constant companion and playmate.”

Princess Alva recoiled in horror at the frog’s audacious request. “Stay with me? In the castle? You must be joking!”

But the frog remained steadfast, his gaze unwavering. “I assure you, princess, I am quite serious. Will you agree to my terms?”

Reluctantly, Princess Alva nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of her promise. “Very well, frog. I agree to your terms. Now, retrieve my ball.”

With a graceful leap, the frog dove into the pond, disappearing beneath the surface. Alva watched anxiously as moments stretched into eternity, until finally, the frog resurfaced, her golden ball clasped in his slimy grip.

“Here is your ball, princess,” the frog said, offering it to her with a flourish.

Princess Alva snatched the ball from his outstretched hand, her gratitude overshadowed by her disdain for the frog. Without so much as a word of thanks, she turned and hurried back to the castle, leaving the frog alone in the garden.

As evening fell and the castle was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, a gentle knock sounded at the door. The servants, puzzled by the late hour, opened the door to find the frog standing before them.

“I seek entrance to the castle,” the frog said, his voice echoing in the quiet hallway. “I am a friend of Princess Alva.”

But Alva, fearing the consequences of her promise, instructed the servants to deny him entry. She joined her family for dinner, her thoughts consumed by the unwanted guest waiting outside.

“What troubles you, my dear?” King Alfred asked, noticing the furrowed brow of his eldest daughter.

Alva hesitated, unsure of how to explain the situation without revealing her own selfishness. “It is nothing, father. Just a silly frog who wishes to impose upon me. The disgusting thing has the gall to ask to be my friend and companion, to eat from my golden plate and sleep in my chamber and all for retrieving my golden ball from that pond!”

But King Alfred, ever wise and just, saw through her facade. “If you made a promise, Alva, you must honor it. Invite the frog to join us for dinner.”

Reluctantly, Alva complied, her stomach churning with resentment as the frog took his place at the table. Yet despite his unassuming appearance, the frog conducted himself with impeccable manners, regaling the royal family with tales of his adventures in the garden.

As the meal drew to a close, the frog hopped onto Alva’s golden plate, his eyes alight with anticipation. But Alva, unable to stomach the sight of him any longer, lashed out in a fit of anger, sending the frog tumbling to the floor below.

With a pained croak, the frog landed with a thud, his form twisting in agony as he lay wounded at Alva’s feet. And in that moment, Alva realized the true cost of her selfishness, as the consequences of her actions began to unfold before her eyes.


As the wounded frog lay crumpled on the floor, Princess Rosalind, the younger sister, rushed to his side with concern etched on her gentle features.

“Oh, you poor creature,” Rosalind murmured, her heart overflowing with compassion. Gently, she scooped the frog into her hands, cradling him tenderly against her chest. “Fear not, dear friend. I will tend to your injuries.”

With soft touches and soothing words, Rosalind tended to the frog’s wounds, her kindness a balm to his battered spirit. And as she cared for him, she spoke words of apology on behalf of her sister, Princess Alva.

“I am sorry for my sister’s unkindness,” Rosalind said, her voice laced with regret. “She is not always as gracious as she should be.”

The frog regarded Rosalind with gratitude shining in his eyes. “You are truly a rare gem among princesses, Princess Rosalind. Your kindness knows no bounds.”

Moved by his words, Rosalind smiled warmly. “It is only right to show kindness to those in need, regardless of their appearance.”

And so, with Rosalind’s gentle care and unwavering compassion, the frog began to mend, his wounds healing under her tender touch. In time, he regained his strength and vitality, thanks to the selfless kindness of the young princess.

As the days passed, Rosalind and the frog became inseparable companions, exploring the gardens of Everglen Castle and embarking on countless adventures together. Rosalind introduced the frog to her friends among the castle workers and their children, sharing her joy and laughter with all who crossed their path.

But despite Rosalind’s best efforts to shield him from harm, Princess Alva’s resentment festered like a dark shadow over their happiness. Unable to bear the sight of her sister finding joy where she had only found disdain, Alva hatched a wicked plan to rid herself of the frog once and for all.

One fateful evening, as the royal family gathered for dinner, Alva surreptitiously laced the frog’s meal with a deadly poison, her heart consumed by jealousy and spite. And as the frog succumbed to the poison’s deadly grip, Rosalind wept bitter tears for her beloved friend, his life hanging in the balance.

But in her darkest hour, Rosalind’s love proved to be the strongest magic of all. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she cradled the frog in her arms, whispering words of love and encouragement as she pleaded with him to hold on.

And then, in a moment that seemed to defy all logic, Rosalind pressed a gentle kiss to the frog’s forehead, her heart overflowing with love and devotion. And in that instant, the curse that had held the frog captive for so long was broken, revealing the true form of the prince who lay beneath.

With a dazzling flash of light, the frog transformed into a handsome prince, his features noble and regal as he gazed upon Rosalind with gratitude and affection.

“Thank you, Princess Rosalind,” the prince said, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. “I am Prince Valiant of Artha. I was cursed by the evil sorceress, Eldra, and only a princess’s kiss of love and affection could break the spell. You have saved me from a fate worse than death.”

And so, with the curse lifted and his true identity restored, the prince invited Rosalind and her family to his kingdom of Artha, where they were welcomed with open arms by his parents, the King Leopold and Queen Isadora.

But as joyous as their reunion was, a new chapter in their tale was about to unfold—one that would test their bonds of love and friendship in ways they could never have imagined.


As Princess Alva watched in disbelief, the frog transformed into a handsome prince before her very eyes. Her envy turned to rage as she realized that her sister, Princess Rosalind, had succeeded where she had failed—in breaking the curse that had plagued the prince for so long.

Fueled by bitterness and resentment, Princess Alva fled the joyous scene, her heart consumed by thoughts of revenge. Determined to undo her sister’s happiness, she set out in search of the one who had cast the curse upon the prince—the evil sorceress, Eldra.

Through forests thick and treacherous, across rivers wide and wild, Alva journeyed onward, her determination unwavering despite the perils that lay ahead. And at long last, she arrived at the dark and forbidding castle where Eldra dwelled, her heart pounding with anticipation as she prepared to confront the sorceress.

But as Alva stood before Eldra’s twisted throne, her resolve faltered in the face of the sorceress’s malevolent gaze. “What brings you to my domain, little princess?” Eldra sneered, her voice dripping with malice.

Alva swallowed hard, her voice trembling as she spoke. “I seek your aid, sorceress. I wish to undo the happiness of my sister and the prince who was once a frog.”

Eldra’s lips curled into a wicked smile. “Ah, yes. The princess who broke my curse. How unfortunate for you, dear child, that you seek to undo her good deed.”

With a wave of her hand, Eldra summoned dark tendrils of magic, weaving them into a sinister spell that danced before Alva’s eyes. “Very well, princess. If it is misery you seek, then misery you shall have.”

And with a cruel laugh, Eldra cast her spell upon Alva, transforming her into a filthy rat—a symbol of the envy and malice that had consumed her heart.

Alva scurried away in horror, her mind reeling with the weight of her newfound curse. But as she sought refuge within the shadows of Everglen Castle, she was met with unexpected mercy from the very sister she had sought to harm.

Princess Rosalind, her heart brimming with forgiveness, welcomed Alva with open arms, her gentle touch a beacon of hope in the darkness that had enveloped her sister’s soul. And with the help of Père Jean, the kingdom’s chaplain and healer, they worked tirelessly to break the curse that had befallen Alva.

Through prayers whispered and a ceremonial bath in a magic fountain, at last, the curse was broken, and Princess Alva was restored to her true form. Tears of gratitude filled her eyes as she embraced her sister, her heart overflowing with remorse for the pain she had caused.

And so, with forgiveness and love as their guide, the two princesses embarked on a new chapter of their lives—one filled with kindness, compassion, and the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood. Together, they vowed to cherish each moment and to never again let envy and malice darken their hearts.

And as they looked out upon the kingdom of Everglen, bathed in the golden light of dawn, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together—as sisters, as friends, and as the guardians of a love that would endure for all eternity.


  1. Will Princess Alva’s jealousy and resentment ultimately lead to her downfall, or will she find redemption through the love and forgiveness of her sister, Princess Rosalind?
  2. As Princess Rosalind forms a deep bond with the frog-turned-prince, will she be able to protect him from the machinations of her jealous sister, Princess Alva, who seeks to undo their newfound happiness?
  3. Can Princess Alva overcome her selfish desires and confront the consequences of her actions, or will her envy lead her down a path of darkness and despair, forever altering the course of her fate?

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